(1)2011-09 至 2015-07, 西北工业大学, 高分子材料与工程, 学士
(2)2015-09 至 2020-07, 北京大学, 力学(生物力学与医学工程), 博士
(3)2020-07至2023-01, 西北有色金属研究院, 生物材料研究所,工程师
(4)2023-01至今,西北有色金属研究院, 生物材料研究所, 高级工程师
(1)Wenhao Zhou, Bioinspired and biomimetic AgNPs/gentamicin-embedded silk fibroin coatings for robust antibacterial and osteogenetic applications, ACS applied materials & interfaces 2017 9 (31), 25830-25846 (一作)
(2)Wenhao Zhou, Novel pH-responsive tobramycin-embedded micelles in nanostructured multilayer-coatings of chitosan/heparin with efficient and sustained antibacterial properties, Materials Science and Engineering: C 2018 90, 693-705 (一作)
(3)Wenhao Zhou, In vitro and in vivo evaluation of structurally-controlled silk fibroin coatings for orthopedic infection and in-situ osteogenesis, Acta Biomaterialia 2020 116, 223-245 (一作)
(4)Wenhao Zhou, Based on the synergistic effect of Mg 2+ and antibacterial peptides to improve the corrosion resistance, antibacterial ability and osteogenic activity of magnesium-based, Biomaterials Science 2021 9 (3), 807-825 (一作)
(5)Wenhao Zhou, An In Vitro Evaluation of the Hierarchical Micro/Nanoporous Structure of a Ti3Zr2Sn3Mo25Nb Alloy after Surface Dealloying, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021 13 (13), 15017-15030 (二作)
(6)Wenhao Zhou, Improvement on biosafety and bioactivity of Ti–6Al–4V alloys by construction the three-dimensional grid structure though electrochemical dealloying, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2022 17, 546-559 (通讯)
(7)Wenhao Zhou, In vitro and in vivo evaluation of hierarchical porous structure for osteogenic differentiation promotion, Materials Letters 2023 330, 133388 (通讯)
(8)Wenhao Zhou, Magnesium surface-activated 3D printed porous PEEK scaffolds for in vivo osseointegration by promoting angiogenesis and osteogenesis, Bioactive Materials 2023 20, 16-28 (一作)
(9)Wenhao Zhou, Biomimetic AgNPs@ antimicrobial peptide/silk fibroin coating for infection-trigger antibacterial capability and enhanced osseointegration, Bioactive Materials 2023 20, 64-80 (一作)
(10)Wenhao Zhou, Construction of fluorescent hyperbranched polysiloxane‐based clusteroluminogens with enhanced quantum yield and efficient cellular lighting, Aggregate 2023 4 (2), e267 (通讯)
(1)一种电化学去合金法在TC4钛合金表面制备多孔结构的工艺. 周文昊,余森,荆磊,刘汉源,白天. ZL113529158A
(2)一种制备丝素蛋白基双金属抗菌涂层的方法. 周文昊,余森,荆磊,张亚峰,汶斌斌.ZL112451748B
(3)一种借助电化学在钛钽合金表面构建多孔钽的方法.余森, 周文昊,白天,荆磊,李小成,赵曦. ZL112972769A
(4)含二硫键超支化聚硅氧烷荧光材料及其制备方法.白天,余森,周文昊. ZL114015050A
(5)一种利用离子交换对二硅酸锂玻璃陶瓷强韧化及表面活化的方法. 李小成,余森,周文昊,荆磊,白天,赵曦. ZL113979647A
(1)国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 32101087, 30万元, 在研,主持
(2)陕西省科技厅, 一般项目-青年项目, 2022JQ-32, 5万元, 在研,主持
(3)西北有色金属研究院, 院控课题——人才类, YK2020-1, 36万元, 结题,主持
(4)国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 32071327, 55万元, 在研,参与
Bioactive Materials、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Acta Biomaterialia、《中国材料进展》等期刊审稿人,西北工业大学校外硕士导师,西安建筑科技大学企业合作导师,中国医科大学校外导师,江西理工大学校外导师