(1)2000.09-2004.07 葡京集团网站/材料成型及控制工程专业,学士学位
(2)2004.09-2009.07 葡京集团网站/材料加工工程,博士学位
(1)2009.08-2011.09 韩国延世大学(Yonsei Univ.),BK21 Postdoc. Research Fellow
(2)2012.01-2015.07 澳大利亚迪肯大学(Deakin Univ.)前沿材料研究院(Institute for Frontier Materials),Associate Research Fellow
(3)2015.07-2020.12 新葡的京集团官网,副教授/硕士生导师
(4)2021.01-至今 新葡的京集团官网,教授/博士生导师
在《Scripta Materialia》、《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》、《Materials Science and Engineering A》、《Materials & Design》和《Metallurgy and Materials Transactions A》等高水平期刊上发表SCI论文100余篇,发明专利7项;参编普通高等教育规划教材1部和英文专著1部。
(1)Ti-Mo microalloyed medium Mn steels: Precipitation and strengthening mechanism, Materials Science and Engineering A, 909(2024) 146866.
(2)Enhancing mechanical properties of high Cr dual-phase FeCrNi medium-entropy alloy through mutual phase transformation and grain refinement, Materials Science and Engineering A, 907(2024) 146745.
(3)The effect of Ti-Mo additions on microstructural evolution and superplastic deformation behavior of cold–rolled medium Mn steels, Materials Characterization, 203(2023) 113051.
(4)Effect of grain interior and grain boundary κ-carbides on the strain hardening behavior of medium-Mn lightweight steels, Materials Science and Engineering A, 871(2023) 144861.
(5)Microstructure features and carbon partitioning in low temperature bainitic steels: The effect of magnetic field, Materials Characterization, 196(2023)112635.
(6)Achieving ultra-high elongation of 1401% in a warm-rolled medium Mn lightweight steel with dual-phase lamellar structure, Materials Science and Engineering A, 862(2023) 144493.
(7)Enhanced strength-ductility synergy via high dislocation density-induced strain hardening in nitrogen interstitial CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 141(2023)184.
(8)Improved Mn–segregation bands and its influence on deformation behavior in a severely warm–rolled 10Mn lightweight steel, Vaccuum, 216(2023)112428.
(9)Low-Temperature Superplastic Deformation of Cold-Rolled Fe–5.6Mn–1.1Al–0.2C Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 53(2022)3869.
(10)Achieving high ductility in a 1.4 GPa grade medium Mn lightweight TRIP/TWIP steel with hierarchical lamellar structure, Materials Science and Engineering A, 858(2022) 141118.
(11)Stress-state-dependent deformation and fracture behaviors in a cold-rolled 7Mn steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 831(2022) 142102.
(12)Improvement of the yield strength of Fe-11Mn-xAl-yC medium-Mn lightweight steels by tuning partial recrystallization and intra-granular κ-carbide strengthening, Materials Science and Engineering, 833(2022)142553.
(13)Deformation mechanisms of a novel Mn-based 1 GPa TRIP/TWIP assisted lightweight steel with 63% ductility, Materials Science and Engineering A, 802(2021) 140658
(14)The effects of a ferritic or martensitic matrix on the tensile behavior of a nano-precipitation strengthened ultra-low carbon Ti-Mo-Nb steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 801(2021) 140410
承担国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、面上基金2项、宝钢联合基金重点项目子课题1项、国家外专项目1项以及省部级和企业项目近20项;参与国家“111”引智计划2项,引进世界著名钢铁专家Peter Hodgson院士联合开展产学研研究。承担国家自然科学基金项目青年基金、面上基金、宝钢联合基金重点项目、省部级项目及企业科研项目等20余项。
(3)担任国际学术期刊《Frontiers in Materials》-Structural materials客座编委;
(4)担任国际学术期刊《Metals》-Frontiers in microalloyed steels客座编委。