关于日本国立材料科学研究所功能材料研究中心Byung-Nam Kim主席研究员举行学术报告的通知


       应新葡的京集团官网孙旭东教授和李晓东教授的邀请,日本国立材料科学研究所(National Institute for Materials Science,NIMS)功能材料研究中心主席研究员Byung-Nam Kim来我们进行学术访问,并于10月23日10:00在知行楼424做学术报告,欢迎各位老师和同学参加。
报告题目:Analysis of Densification Kinetics during Sintering of Zirconia
报告简介:In this study, a method is proposed to determine the unspecified density function during isothermal sintering of Y2O3-stabilized zirconia. The densification kinetics and the grain growth during the isothermal sintering were examined at various temperatures by using a dilatometer. An interesting point is that the relationship between the grain size G and the relative density D is not constant but dependent on the temperature, though a constant relationship has widely been recognized. With increasing temperature, the density-dependence of the grain size decreases in the intermediate stage, whereas it increases in the final stage. Using the temperature-dependent G-D relationship, the unspecified density function was determined in the intermediate and final stages.
报告人简介:Byung-Nam Kim,日本国立材料科学研究所(National Institute for Materials Science,NIMS)主席研究员(Chief researcher),1992年在日本东京大学获材料学博士学位后任东京大学助理研究员,1993年至今任NIMS主席研究员(Chief researcher)。2016年至今担任Field-Assisted Sintering Group的Group leader。