关于德国开姆尼茨工业大学Rudolf Holze教授举行学术报告的通知


        应新葡的京集团官网刘莉教授邀请,德国开姆尼茨工业大学Rudolf Holze教授将于9月27日受邀来我们进行学术交流并作学术报告,诚邀广大师生参加学术报告。
报告题目:Supercapacitors: From the Leyden Jar to Supercap Busses – Past and Perspectives
报告摘要:Supercapacitors are electric devices combining the high power (density) of capacitors and the energy density of secondary batteries. They can provide high charge capability by receiving electric currents at very high rates and can provide high power capability by releasing stored charge at also very high currents. These capabilities makes them very attractive complements to many sources of electric energy like fuel cells and batteries as well as photovoltaics, because they offer capabilities of providing sudden current surges required by devices operated with these energy storage and conversion devices, they can also store surplus energy provided by such devices at equally high currents. As a consequence smaller electrochemical storage devices can be used, and energy from intermittent sources like renewables can be utilized better. Supercapacitors can in addition be incorporated into the electric grid at all levels, they can help reducing load on the grid at the end of the line, i.e. at the consumers place, by buffering current surges when e.g. machines are started. They can store the energy released when using regenerative braking in trains and other mobile devices. They can be used for power quality management. 
The talk will provide a brief view at the past development of supercapacitors. Some electrochemical background enabling the novice to grasp the operating principles and scientific challenges will be provided. 
The presentation will proceed to describe the current state of development reporting on results obtained at the electrode as well as the device and installation level. Some guidelines for further development will be offered at the end.
报告人简介:Prof. Rudolf Holze received his Ph.D. in 1983 from University of Bonn, Germany. After¬wards, he joined Prof. E.B. Yeager at the Case Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA, as a post-doctoral fellow and then Oldenburg University in 1987 as associate professor in Physical Chemistry. Since 1993 he is full professor of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry at the chemistry department of Technical University Chemnitz, Germany. His research is focused on spectroelectrochemistry, self-assembled monolayers, lithium ion batteries, electrochemical energy conversion and storage, electrochemical materials science and corrosion. He is an ordinary member of the Saxonian Academy of Sci¬ences and of several editorial boards. He is the author of more than 370 articles in refereed inter-national journals and eleven books.
Chemnitz, 25.09.2017