

报告题目:Cyclic Deformation of Lightweight Magnesium Alloys
报告摘要:Vehicle lightweighting is today realized as one of the most important methods to improve fuel efficiency and reduce anthropogenic climate-changing, environment-damaging, costly and human death-causing emissions, since every 10% reduction in weight would lead to about 6% to 8% increase in fuel efficiency. Indeed, it has recently been portrayed as the storm of lightweighting – a revolution in materials, processes, and business models – which is brewing on the horizon of the automotive industry. Magnesium alloy, as an ultra-lightweight metallic material, has been increasingly used in the transportation industry to reduce the weight of vehicles. However, the hexagonal close-packed crystal structure of magnesium alloys limits the availability of slip systems and results in strong mechanical anisotropy and tension-compression yield asymmetry due to the presence of twinning and the related development of deformation texture. For the vehicle components subjected to dynamic cyclic loading, such asymmetry could exert an unfavorable influence on the material performance and compromise the structural integrity, safety, and durability of highly loaded structural components. This problem could be conquered through weakening the basal texture via the addition of rare-earth (RE) elements. In this talk some examples on the cyclic deformation behavior of extruded magnesium alloys containing both high and low RE contents will be presented in comparison with RE-free extruded magnesium alloys, along with the effect of strain ratio. Furthermore, twinning and twin growth during uniaxial compression along the extrusion direction and de-twinning along the transverse direction will be discussed as well.
报告人简介:Dr. Daolun Chen, a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. He received his BSc and MSc from Northeastern University in 1983 and 1986, respectively, PhD from Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1989, and Dr.rer.nat. from the University of Vienna, Austria, 1993. Dr. Chen has published over 350 peer-reviewed journal (274) and conference (82) papers in the area of advanced materials and key engineering materials, and their deformation, fatigue, welding and joining, etc., plus over 180 non-refereed conference papers/research reports. His research findings have generated excellent impact. According to an analysis by the Council of Canadian Academies in 2011 and 2016, Dr. Chen is twice identified to be an author of one of the top 1% most highly cited papers in his field worldwide. He is a recipient of a number of prestigious awards and honors, including Premier’s Research Excellence Award, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) DAS Award, MetSoc Award for Research Excellence, MetSoc Distinguished Materials Scientist Award, and Sarwan Sahota Distinguished Scholar Award. Dr. Chen is an Associate Editor or Editorial Board Member of 27 journals, including Materials and Design, Materials Science and Engineering A, and International Journal of Fatigue. He has been invited by science reporters to interview and comment on some key scientific breakthroughs published in the journals of Nature and Science. He has been a member of NSERC Grant Selection Committee and Scientific Expert Evaluator of European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme. More information could be seen on his web site at http://www.ryerson.ca/~dchen/biography.html.