

报告题目:Heterogeneous Structures: A New Paradigm for Designing Super Strong and Tough Materials
报  告  人:朱运田(Yuntian Zhu)
时       间:2017-04-05  9:00-11:00
地       点:知行楼634会议室
报告人简介:《Mater Res Lett》(影响因子6.0)主编),美国北卡州立大学教授。朱运田教授近年的研究主要集中在纳米相关的两个领域:纳米晶/超细晶金属与合金,炭纳米管的合成与应用。在《自然:材料》、《自然:纳米技术》、《自然通讯》、《物理评论快报》、《先进材料》等期刊发表论文250余篇。研究赢得了两项由美国宇航局《纳米科技简报》(Nanotech Briefs)组织评选的Nano50 Awards奖。由于在认识纳米材料变形机理和同时提高纳米材料强度与塑性方面的开创性工作,朱运田教授当选2010年度美国材料学会会士(ASM Fellow), 2012年度美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow),并获得2010年度美国矿物、金属与材料学会材料加工与制造领域杰出科学家/工程师奖、北卡州立大学杰出研究奖。
报告内容简介:Recently, heterogeneous structure is found to produce unprecedented strength and ductility that are considered impossible from our textbook knowledge and materials history. In addition, it also exhibits other unusual mechanical behaviors such as very high strain hardening rate. It is suggested that mechanical incompatibility between heterogeneous domains is primarily responsible for the observed phenomenon. This represents a new paradigm for designing strong and tough structural materials. Heterogeneous materials have recently attracted extensive attention in the academic community and are emerging as a hot research field. Importantly, heterogeneous materials can be produced by currently available industrial facilities at low cost, and has the potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry by providing strong materials for energy efficient transportation vehicles and other applications. In this talk we will present and discuss the perspective, prospects, and problems of heterogeneous materials.