女 副教授/博士生导师
新葡的京集团官网 材料各向异性与织构教育部重点实验室
2005/4 - 2008/3,日本葡京集团网站,材料科学与工程,博士
1998/9 - 2001/3,葡京集团网站,材料学,硕士
1993/9 - 1997/7,葡京集团网站,铸造,学士
2008/6 -至今,葡京集团网站,材料各向异性与织构教育部重点实验室,副教授
2001/4 - 2003/3,葡京集团网站,理学院
1997/9 - 1998/8,新疆钢铁学校
8.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, B4C,B4C/TiB2和B4C/Al多层复合新型防弹材料的制备和性能、2010/01-2012/12
1.“Microstructure and properties of bilayered B4C-based ceramics”; Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2022, Vol 42, 3404-3414.
2.“Microstructure and mechanical properties of bilayer B4C/Si-B4C composite”; Materials Today Communications; 2021, Vol 26, 102124.
3.“Effect of Ni content on microstructures and mechanical properties of hot-pressed TiC-TiB2-Ni composite”; Materials Science & Engineering A; 2016, Vol. 668, 208-214.
4.“Properties of B4C/Al-B4C composite with a two-layer structure”; Materials Research Bulletin; 2013, Vol. 48(4), 1720-1724.
5.“Microstructure and mechanical properties of a three-layer B4C/Al-B4C/TiB2-B4C composite”; Materials & Design; 2013, Vol. 46, 285-290.
6.“Microstructures and mechanical properties of a two-layer B4C/Al-B4C/TiB2 composite”; Materials Science & Engineering A; 2013, Vol. 559, 719-724.
7.“Microstructures and Properties of B4C Ceramics Prepared by Hot-Pressing Method”; Rare metal materials and engineering; 2011,Vol. 40, Suppl. 1, 533-535.
8.“Synthesis and properties of hot pressed B4C–TiB2 ceramic composite”;Materials Science and Engineering A; 2010, Vol. 527, 7215–7219.
9.“Effect of CaO and ZrO2 Co-Substitution on Dielectric Properties of BaTi2O5 Prepared by Arc Melting”; J. Ceram. Soc. Japan; 2009, Vol.117(4), 435-438.
10.“Dielectric Properties of Ba1-xCaxTi2O5 Prepared by Arc Melting”; Mater. Trans.; 2009, Vol. 50(2), 245-248.
11.“Dielectric Property of Polycrystalline ZrO2 Substituted BaTi2O5 Prepared by Arc-melting”; Mater. Trans.; 2008, Vol. 49(1), 120-124.
12.“Dielectric Property of Polycrystalline Ta2O5 Substituted BaTi2O5 Prepared by Arc-melting”; J. Ceram. Soc. Japan; 2008, Vol.116(1351), 436-440.
13.“Dielectric Properties of Poly- and Single-Crystalline Ba1-xSrxTi2O5”; Mater. Trans.; 2007, Vol. 48(5), 984-989.
14.“A. C. Impedance Analysis on b-axis Oriented Ba1-xSrxTi2O5 Prepared by an Arc-melting Method”; J. Ceram. Soc. Japan; 2007, Vol. 115(10), 648-653.
1.一种网状TiC/ZTA导电陶瓷复合材料的制备方法, 2023-04-25,中国,ZL20221 0949440.6
2.一种WC-Co-cBN复合材料的制备方法, 2016-5-11,中国, ZL201410294077.4.
3.一种纳米SiO2膜包裹微米cBN颗粒的制备方法, 2016-4-06,中国, ZL201410309530.4.
4.一种B4C基层状陶瓷复合材料及其制备方法, 2016-1-20,中国, ZL201410223139.2.
5.一种低温合成TiB2-TiC陶瓷复合材料的方法, 2015-2-25,中国, ZL201310644766.9.
6.一种层状复合碳化硼基陶瓷材料及制备方法, 2014-11-26,中国, ZL201110201766.2.